Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dress Codes About Peircings And Tattoos At Workplaces

Piercings: Years ago, the only things you found pierced were people’s ears. But times change, and it isn't uncommon to see pierced noses, eyebrows, lips or even cheeks. This can pose a problem with many dress codes, especially when employees deal with customers. An employer may ask you to remove piercings, but he must have the same rules for both men and women.

Tattoos: Like piercings, tattoos have become commonplace, and people with more visible body art are often met with prejudice when it comes to employment. Managers are less likely to hire someone with body art than those without. As long as the tattoos can be covered, you shouldn't have an issue with getting a job or adhering to a company’s dress code policy.

Tattoos and piercings must be appropriate if seen.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Religion Dress Code At Workplace

Religious clothing is one of the common issues in workplaces. There have been many cases that led to allowing people to wear religious clothing in the workplace, but it all came from the freedom of religion in the first amendment. The law gives employers a lot of leeway in creating the culture they desire in their workplace, and this includes allowing employers to decide how employees should dress and groom. Some employers like to set a professional tone by requiring employees to wear suits. Other employers like to foster a more creative environment by allowing employees to wear T-shirts and blue jeans. Just about any rule is fine, as long as it doesn't violate laws against discrimination or harassment.
                                                                                    Freedom of Conformity

Personal Post About Dress Code

A few days back at a restaurant as I ordered my food I realized the employee that was taking my order had a big bandage patch on his neck and ear, at first I thought he had a big scab but I look closely and he was actually hiding his tattoos and piercings because apparently employees of the restaurant are not allowed to wear body jewelry or have tattoos showing while working. I guess based on researches I did about the dress code it says that the company managers are afraid of losing customers because of how scary, and unprofessional they look. And I agree with the managers that it can look scary and unprofessional for customers but I also disagree because I don't really mind the tattoo and pricing personally but if the tattoo and pricing is hard to hide don't bother working for that job, and if it could be hidden then hide it just don't look dumb with big bandages patches around or all over you.

The disadvantage of dress code

The only disadvantage of dress code: Is that it's harder for people to express themselves. It restrains the freedom of expressing the personality of employees through their clothes but dress code is safer so rather be safe than sorry.

What happens if you don't obey the dress code?: There are many reason why to follow the dress code but if you don't follow the dress code there may be consequences, you can get injured at work and you wont be able to get payed because you weren't wearing the proper uniforms. You can also be fired for not following the dress code cause it may leave bad reputation to the company and the boss will not like that and un-employ you.

What Is Dress Codes And Why Do We Have Them?

Many jobs around the world has a dress code to their business/workplace because of injuries and religious reason in the past. Dress codes are set of rules that define how to dress in a given environmentDress codes have now started many years ago for the benefits of keeping the employees safe and showing manners giving reputation, signals indicating the message being given to their business by a person's clothing and how it is worn.