Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dress Codes About Peircings And Tattoos At Workplaces

Piercings: Years ago, the only things you found pierced were people’s ears. But times change, and it isn't uncommon to see pierced noses, eyebrows, lips or even cheeks. This can pose a problem with many dress codes, especially when employees deal with customers. An employer may ask you to remove piercings, but he must have the same rules for both men and women.

Tattoos: Like piercings, tattoos have become commonplace, and people with more visible body art are often met with prejudice when it comes to employment. Managers are less likely to hire someone with body art than those without. As long as the tattoos can be covered, you shouldn't have an issue with getting a job or adhering to a company’s dress code policy.

Tattoos and piercings must be appropriate if seen.

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